There are various ways on how you will be able to conserve energy in your household in Canberra, and eventually save money from the reduction of the energy bill that you incur. One of the most viable means to do so is to focus on your water heater usage. This article tackles some of the effective water heater tips for you to save money and energy.
1.Lower the Thermostat
One of the primary ways to save energy is by lowering the thermostat of your water heater. While most manufacturers would recommend a certain setting, most people are already comfortable in a setting that is a little bit lower than recommended. It is less likely that you will notice any significant difference when you shower or use the water from the tap when you lower the settings of your thermostat. However, you will notice a significant impact on your energy bill by doing so.
Apart from this, a lower temperature setting in your thermostat will also tend to slow down mineral build-up or corrosion in your water heater as well as its pipes. If you can, there is also the option for you to use cold water instead or install a timer in your water heater tank to ensure that it is not always running. In this way, you will be able to effectively conserve energy and save on electricity.
2. Insulate your Tank
Another way to save energy is by insulating your storage tank, regardless of whether you are using an electric, natural gas, or oil. The insulation will help prevent heat loss, which eliminates the need for you to turn on your unit frequently. While you can insulate your tank on your own, it is a much better option to seek the services of professional plumbers to ensure that the task is done properly the first time around. The seasoned plumbers in hot water heater repair Canberra locals rely on to suggest that you also consider insulating your pipes to add to the insulation of your tank. This will not only conserve energy but fire hazards will also be prevented.
3. Drain the Tank
It is also a good practice to drain your water heater tank at least once a year. In this way, you will be able to remove sediment that can lower the efficiency of your unit in heating the water. Just keep in mind that in doing so, you need to carefully follow the manufacturer’s direction to ensure that you are doing the cleaning properly.
4. Repair Leaky Faucets
As soon as you notice leaky faucets, make sure to address them promptly to cut off on your water bills. Also, keep in mind to check for outdoor leaky faucets and learn how to locate your main water valve for you to inspect for leaks as well.
5. Replace Old Appliances
If your appliances, such as your dishwasher or washing machine, are already old, then you may want to consider replacing them already. The reason behind this is that older appliances tend to use more energy to operate efficiently compared to new ones which are designed to be more energy-efficient and use less water. Consider your lifestyle, energy requirements, and regular monthly power use when making equipment purchases; this information, in conjunction with Reliant Energy rates, will enable you to make a well-informed decision.
There are several ways on how you will be able to save on money and energy such as by lowering your thermostat or even using cold water completely. There is also the option for you to insulate your tank and repair leaky faucets to increase the savings that you can garner. Even replacing old appliances will prove to be beneficial when it comes to your energy conservation efforts. Rest assured that all these are geared towards saving money and energy in the long run.