Children bunk beds are one of the best space-saving choices that families must consider. They are very good for children who have regular sleepovers with their friends. However, how will you find the best and safe kids bunk bed singapore that is suitable for your size of home and family? Nothing to worry, here we will look for top things that you need to consider when choosing bunk beds for kids and how you can find the best among them.
Things to Check Out in Bunk Bed for Kids
Availability of Space
Kid’s bunk bed can come in vertical or horizontal size. This bunk bed must not be very tall that bang your kids head onto the ceiling when they sit up suddenly. You need to check height of your bed mattress from its ceiling. It must be 36” to prevent kids from banging up onto the ceiling while they are sitting up on their bed. Suppose you cannot make 36”, you can go for 24”– it will be perfectly fine for your kids.
Another popular choice if you desire a more industrial style is the use of aluminium checkerplate.
Next thing that you need to look in the bunk bed is the style of bed that you buy. Some products are trendy, whereas others are classic and traditional. Its frame material will have a huge impact on your bed look. It includes both painted and stained wood options, and metal frames.
One or Two Beds
Though many people think of buying bunk beds, they visualize two beds that are stacked on the top of one another. But, there are various styles having more and fewer beds. For example, some beds have just one bed lofted on the desk and open area, but some models have got third trundle bed below. For such reason, you need to consider number of beds that you when you go out for shopping.
Wood or Metal
The bunk beds are generally designed using metal or wood. They are painted in black, white, or many different colors, pastel or bright. The metal bunk beds generally tend to cost very less than the solid wood beds. The wooden beds with staircase are simple to repair than metal equivalents –and other alternatives. Many people have got their favorite between metal and wood –normally wood winning. The wooden stairs are much safer than the metal ladders.
Most of the bunk beds that are available are a single unit and needs to be kept stacked. But, if you are looking for versatility, you might have to look in the bunk beds that will separate in 2 normal beds—it will be highly beneficial if your kids will get their individual rooms.
Guardrails are generally not required, but bunk bed you are choosing is for small kids, then it better to have them–on top of the bunk. The guard rails are useful for a few adults who might roll over in their bed & right down on the floor! You may easily overcome this by buying bunk bed with guardrails on its top level.