
Different Types Of Data Center Design To Choose For Your Business


When talking about a data center design, one size does not fit all. Compliance and security are the two essential things that any data center design should have. It is hard to find a proper facility armed with facilities you need for safeguarding your data.

In this article, we will tell you some important factors that you should consider when choosing a data center.

Types of Data Center Designs

Here is a rundown of the different forms of data center designs that a business should consider at the time of choosing a colocation service provider.

Underground Data Center Designs

The underground data center is considered the safest place to store your data, except the infrastructure is deficient in air quality monitoring on a real-time basis. Understanding the standards of the colocation provider, and dependability is critical in regards to underground facilities.

Modifying, preserving and supervising environmental conditions of the data center has to be of topmost importance of any underground hosting provider. Stendel Reich is a reputed architecture company that provides construction services for Offices, Industries, Commercial structures, Institutions, and Residential areas.

When you wish to select a provider of an underground data center, you should check about security processes and certifications. Stendel + Reich data center architects remain updated on the important compliance regulations. They are also committed to working with their customers as colocation partner.

Mines vs. Cave environments

Before you implement a data center design, you need to evaluate an underground facility to check whether it is housed in a mine or cave. Cave environments can set a client into a dangerous situation. Poor air ventilation, excessive heat, inferior air quality, ultimately corrodes the setup and proves expensive to clients.

Mines are the preferred option for a data center space as they provide natural aspiration and protection from its elements. When mines are layered with air quality supervision in real-time, they operate as the major data center space.

Natural Disaster Prepared Designs

As the name suggests, these designs are prepared to face natural disasters. Data centers will continue to revolutionize and plan highly creative architecture to combat these critical situations. These designs can include the roofing, armored pre-cast walls, second roofs as a “backup” to withstand the failure of the first roof, etc.


Datacenter designs are one of the complicated aspects of construction. Depending on your project requirement, you can choose between the above data center designs.

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