Preparations for garden pests – pesticides – differ in the active ingredient, its concentration (which affects the amount of the complete solution), and effectiveness against certain types of insects.
Among The Most Effective Remedies For Pest Treatment
- Aktara is a systemic, quick-acting insecticide, regardless of weather conditions;
- Decis Profi is a contact-intestinal insecticide that destroys most garden pests;
- Engio is a powerful systemic contact insecticide that kills most pests and ticks, effective even at low temperatures;
- Provanto – effective against a complex of pests of horticultural crops;
- Actellik is a contact-intestinal insecticide that also destroys ticks;
- 30B and 30D – preparations capable of destroying the wintering stages of garden pests;
- Alpha Super is a highly effective contact-intestinal insecticide that fights pests at all stages of their development;
- Calypso is a systemic insecticide for the protection of fruit and berry crops, safe for bees;
- Promark is a new drug against garden pests, destroying them at any stage of development.
Biological products for treating the garden from pests are no less popular. Their active ingredient is obtained based on soil microorganisms.
Biological Products For Garden Protection
- Fitoverm is a reliable and safe drug for combating leaf-eating and sucking insects;
- Aktofit is a drug with insect-acaricidal action, valid even on hot days;
- Kaput is a biological insect acaricide that affects most garden pests;
- Actarophyte is an organic product of contact action against several insects dangerous for fruit and berry crops.
All drugs are used strictly according to the instructions, not exceeding the established dosages. Treatment is carried out using personal protective equipment (gloves, masks) .
Pest insects can leave the grower without a crop. Spring is the best time to treat your garden with insecticides. You can get advice on the use, dosage, and safety of drugs from our guardian managers. They will help you find the right product for the required crops in your garden.