Home soft furnishings are the perfect environment for dust mites. Dust mites are small organisms of the arachnid family. They generally develop in environments with temperatures above 20 degree C and with a relative humidity of 60-80%. Unfortunately, these are the conditions that you usually find in a home. Specifically in the soft furninshings and mattresses you sleep on every night. Furthermore, its reproduction rate is very high. If you are known with this issue, hiring the best Sofa Cleaning Service Bangalore will be an ideal option.
What are the dust mites?
To get an idea of the volume of these organisms around us, there can be up to 2,500 dust mites per gram of dust in a mattress. These can attack the protective lining of the nose, throat, and lungs. Moving around in bed causes allergens to spread through the air, causing symptoms of asthma and rhinitis. It can also be a contributing factor to skin conditions including dermatitis and eczema, as well as asthma that affects many children. To reduce the harmful effect of these and other similar organisms in your home, you are suggested to contact with sofa cleaning services Bangalore for a thorough cleaning of all types of textiles.
Tricks to clean the sofa and leave a good smell
Now that you know how dust, mites and any other microorganisms can seriously affect your health, let’s see how to clean sofa set. You spend several hours in the living room sharing a sofa. It is filled with different germs, pet hair, stains, etc. Many of the products you use are useful but leave an unpleasant odor that lasts for days, making your comfort uncomfortable. Here are some tips to clean it and to keep it smelling good.
Dry cleaning with thyme and lavender
It is recommended that you carry it out at least once a week. Your family will love the fragrance that remains afterward. And your pets will be able to roam freely in armchairs and sofas, knowing that you can clean the fabric easily. But, nowadays with our busy schedule we don’t get that much of time easily. Would you like to work hard after 6 days of busy job schedule? It is convenient to hire sofa cleaning services near me in affordable prices. Do this trick at night, when you do not use the armchairs and sofas. In the morning, pass the vacuum cleaner to remove the bicarbonate and the dried flowers.
Remove odor without fading the covers
If your textile armchairs allow you to remove the covers and they are not leather, you can follow this recommendation to prevent the fabric from spoiling. And to ensure that it maintains its color and eliminates bad odors. Flip the covers over to protect the outside. Fill your bathtub at least a span with warm water and add the salt. Afterward, soak the covers on the armchairs and sofas for half an hour. If you wish, you can then complete the wash in your washing machine. Or simply you can hire the best sofa cleaning at home service in Bangalore. It also allows them to be preserved, since you do not need to wash them completely.
Eliminate bacteria and remove bad odor with spray
This trick can always be at hand. You just have to combine the water with the white vinegar. Take care that the quantities are as indicated. Combine the water with the vinegar and transfer the mixture to a spray bottle. Shake well and apply to the surfaces of armchairs and sofas. Moisten the tissues well. Open the windows so that the fresh air also helps us in the process. As you are not a professional home cleaning expert, the ideal is hiring a professional Sofa Cleaning service near you.
Conclusion: Clean the sofa and have a good smell
These are some tricks to clean and remove the smell in armchairs and sofas, without the need to spend a lot of money or use abrasive chemical products. You can apply these from the comfort of your home, using products that are at hand. If you don’t know how to achieve an optimal result and you want to guarantee the durability of your sofa, the best thing is to contact professionals in textile cleaning. Check https://cleanfanatic.co.in/sofa-cleaning-services-bangalore/ here for more information. They are offering professional cleaning services using their unique three step process to remove Dust mites and allergens from the soft furnishings inside of your house.