One of the most common types of floors today is hardwood flooring. They are not only attractive, but they are also among the simplest to install.
This article will help you with the basic information about laying hardwood flooring. Whether you want to do it yourself or hire professionals, use these guidelines to install hardwood floors perfectly.
Things you’ll need
As you get ready to install your brand-new flooring in a home, there are a few things you will need:
- Floor hammers
- Nail guns
- Subfloor (floor below your hardwood flooring; CDX plywood is a great option)
- Knee Pads for the Subfloor
- Drills, Saws, and Hammers
- Felt paper, measuring tape, and floor finish (Oil based or Water Based Polyurethane)
- The Mason’s Line
Installing your hardwood flooring
1. Cover subfloor and measure
The subflooring must first be covered with your felt paper in the first phase. This ensures that there is a level base to start laying the wooden planks on while also adding a layer of protection between your hardwood flooring and the subfloor.
Following this, you must gauge the width of your floorboards at each wall’s end. Make a note on the wall after adding a few more inches. Grab your hammer, drive a nail into each marked wall, and then join the two with a mason’s line.
2. Lay the first board
Along the mason’s line, start setting the first board. Make sure the tongue—that little sticky out piece—faces the interior of the space. To fasten the board in place, drill a nail-sized hole in the board’s face.
3. Lay other pieces
You can start to fasten the other flooring pieces together. Make sure the tongue of the piece next to it is fitted into the groove of the new piece when you put down a new segment. This ensures that the flooring is kept firmly in place, and for added stability, you should nail the boards down through the tongue.
After finishing a few rows, switch to using your floor nail gun in place of a hammer. This will expedite the process and allow you to rapidly lay down all the boards in the desired style to give the room a pleasant wooden appearance.
4. Refinish
To give your flooring a lovely shining appearance while also safeguarding it, hardwood floor refinishing is a crucial step. Wood floors can be refinished using either oil-based or water-based solutions, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.
Finally, due to time limitations in price, and general DIY ability, it can be challenging for some of you to complete this. In that scenario, it may be to your advantage to look for expert assistance!