Home Improvement

Know about the Best Handheld Vacuum for Stairs


Living in the hygienic environment keeps you healthy and for that, you must keep your home and surroundings neat and clean. Most of the time, you clean the floor and sometimes mop the same but what about other parts of the house, i.e. Stairs, Ceiling, etc. So, to clean such complicated regions, you need the best handheld vacuum for stairs that helps you in all purposes.

Why choose Vacuum for Stairs?

·         Stair cleaning is a tough job as the dust particles penetrate even in the smaller areas where it is quite difficult to reach, so using a vacuum cleaner will make your job easier.

·         Vacuum cleaner for stairs must be cordless or with a long cord as it will help you to cover the entire area of the stairs.

·         The head of the vacuum cleaner are flexible, that reaches to the nooks of the staircase and cleans the same easily in a short period.

·         The vacuum cleaner is portable that will help you to clean the entire stairs effectively as you can move the vacuum from one place to another without any hassle.

List of Three best handheld Vacuum to clean your Stairs?

Shark Rocket

The vacuum is small in size and portable which enables you to reach the crevices of the stairs. This will help you to remove the dust particles and also the pet hairs on the carpet. The shark rocket comprises of a powerful motor of 400W that generate high efficiency. Apart from the motor, the cleaner comes with the cord. So, the cord might be a limitation for you if you own a big house or else shark rocket is an ideal one.

Dirt Devil Scorpion

This vacuum cleaner can be used anywhere, you can use to clean the stairs or else can use to remove the dust from the car. It is light in weight and quite portable that will help you to clean the surrounding effectively. The Direct Devil Scorpion comes with the long cord and also has a 7-ampere motor that sucks the dust particles quickly. The cleaner has a hanging handle too that enables you to place it anywhere.

Bissell Eraser

This one is a cordless vacuum cleaner that offers great output. It is specially designed for stairs but can also remove the pet hairs. The cleaner comes with the battery that can last for 40 minutes. Apart from that, the cleaner has a crevice tool and a powerful brush that remove the dust effectively.

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